Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Happy Birthday Sarah

Happy Birthday to my little sister Sarah who will always be a loser in my eyes! This picture is from a few years ago when Sarah and I drove from California to Minnesota, she thought she was styling when we stopped at the Grand Canyon to do some exploring. We then got back into the car and Sarah took over while I napped. She had an easy direction to follow, stay on this same freeway for over 300 miles, but just like Llyod and Harry in Dumb and Dumber, I slept and she drove an extra 200 miles in the wrong direction. So we didn't make it to our stop in CO that night but instead drove through a blizzard in the Rockies till we were both so scared we decided to stop at a motel for the night. At least I can now say I have also been to New Mexico. Thanks for the trip Sarah, it was definitely interesting.

While searching online, I found the perfect birthday card for you Sarah. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did...
Hahaha at least I can say that that is an experience I never had! Hehe I hope it didn't make you laugh too hard, I know you are recovering from food poisoning and I wouldn't want more vomit to fly across the room :)